A great way to save money when buying a vehicle is to buy a previously owned vehicle. A worthy car that lasts can certainly be found, if you shop with intelligence. Be careful not to jump at the first cheap car that you find or else you may end up buying a lemon. Doing your homework, comparing when you shop, researching your state's lemon laws, looking up the VIN number, and checking local dealers can provide you with a solid used car that is sure to live up to your expectations.
Prior to beginning research, determining the type of vehicle to be purchased is your first step. Before you go to a lot or purchase privately, know your facts and figures, and have them firm in your mind. You need to decide ahead of time how many miles you can tolerate, and which features are must-haves on your pre-owned car. Begin by checking online car sales website, and also by looking at the values listed online for different cars. There you'll find a solid base price for the car. If the offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.
Oftentimes, a low purchase price for a vehicle is code for hefty repair costs on the vehicle later on. Consult your states lemon laws. These laws are designed to protect consumers from cars that need numerous repairs for numerous reasons within a specified period, typically 30 to 45 days. Always make sure to check your legal rights and responsibilities as they may differ from state to state. Having the law to buffer you helps you avoid purchasing that lemon in the first place. To protect yourself from buying a lemon, you can look up the VIN, which shows the car's history. Narrow down your search, once you have done this grab the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) from the dashboard on the driver's side, where the dash meets the front windshield. For $20 dollars and a VIN number, one could check out the vehicle's history. Looking up the VIN number will give you a list of everything major that has happened to the car from accidents to major repairs.
Even the most thorough inspection will only give you feedback about the car's present condition. Don't dismiss the idea of a dealer when looking for an inexpensive car. Their vehicles are often thoroughly inspected before sale, and may even come with a warranty. This a great way to protect yourself from purchasing a lemon. The amount on the price tag is not the only factor in your decision to purchase a used car; buying a low-cost lemon is no good deal.
About the Author
Jake Newbury is a salesman for NuStar Motors, a used car dealers sacramento dealer. Jake knows firsthand that taking a few precautionary steps before buying Sacramento used trucks or used cars can save you money in the long run, and he recommends a CARFAX report to all used car buyers.
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